第14回上海ビエンナーレ「Cosmos Cinema」(上海当代芸術博物館、上海、2023)の展示風景より All images courtesy of Power Station of Art
展示風景より、リアム・ギリック《A Voyage in Search of Rational Senses》(2023) Courtesy of the artist
展示風景より、トレヴァー・パグレン《Prototype for a Nonfunctional Satellite (Design 4; Build 4)》《Orbital Reflector (Scale Model)》《Orbital Reflector (Triangle Variation #4) Scale Model》(いずれも2015-18)
Courtesy of the artist, Altman Siegel, San Francisco and Pace Gallery
展示風景より、エリカ・ヴェリッカ《222.3》(2023) Courtesy of the artist
展示風景より、ヨナス・スタール《Exo-Ecologies》(2023) Courtesy of the artist
Courtesy of MOMus–Museum of Modern Art–Costakis Collection
展示風景より、笹岡由梨子《Gyro: Exercise Balance Ball, Gyro: Exercise Running, and Gyro: Hand Puppet Goat》(2023)
Courtesy of the artist and PHD Group, Hong Kong
展示風景より、周嘯虎《Ship of Fools》(2018)と《Garden of Earthly Delights》(2016)
Courtesy of the artist
Courtesy of the artist
展示風景より、蘇詠宝《Invisible Island》(2023)
Courtesy of the artist