意味のメカニズム 「主観性の中性化」(1963頃〜1988) 油彩ほか、画布 The Mechanism of Meaning (2nd Edition)©︎2016 Estate of Madeline Gins. Reproduced with permission of the Estate of Madeline Gins.
意味のメカニズム 「あいまいな地帯の提示」(1963頃〜1988) 油彩ほか、画布 The Mechanism of Meaning (2nd Edition)©︎2016 Estate of Madeline Gins. Reproduced with permission of the Estate of Madeline Gins.
意味のメカニズム「意味の分裂」(1963頃〜1988) 油彩ほか、画布 The Mechanism of Meaning (2nd Edition)©︎2016 Estate of Madeline Gins. Reproduced with permission of the Estate of Madeline Gins.